

Interview with the Head of Digital Innovation

Mr Daniel Green, who will be starting the newly created Head of Digital Innovation role in September, took the time to connect with us and answered some questions to help us get acquainted. 

Q: Hello Daniel, please tell us about yourself. 

Hello! After leaving university, I spent 14 years in the IT industry working on developing and supporting standard and customised applications, working on a number of projects improving efficiency. After volunteering at the London Olympics in 2012, I decided on a career change and started training as a primary school teacher the following year. After a number of years teaching in Year 6, four years ago I was appointed as a deputy headteacher at a two-form entry primary school in Bracknell.

Q: What are you most excited about for this new post?

I am really looking forward to taking up this newly created role as Head of Digital Innovation at BPET. I am excited about being able to work across a number of schools to help improve the integration of technology into all aspects of the curriculum and to help enhance pupil engagement. I want to help staff and students feel more confident in the use of technology in the classroom, and beyond, as well as help them to show how technology can help improve pupil outcomes.

Q: Why did BPET appeal to you?

The promise from BPET to inspire pupils to have a passion for learning is, for me, one the keys to a great education. Inspiring young people to want to learn by giving them a broad range of opportunities both through the curriculum and using extra-curricular opportunities sets them up to be life-long learners. I like the idea that schools within the trust remain as individual entities, and are encouraged to do their best to meet the needs of their communities - who they know best. I hope that in this new role I can help both staff and pupils to “be interested and be interesting” in their approach to, and use of, technology.

Q: What is your vision for your role?

I want to work closely with staff throughout the organisation to look at how technology can help to achieve individual success and enrich the opportunities available to the students. Working in collaboration with curriculum leaders across the trust to see how digital tools and resources can be used effectively to help plan, deliver and assess the education offering for the children. To look at how we can bring new technologies and experiences into the classroom to give the pupils new, exciting and memorable experiences as well as putting support in place for staff so that they feel confident to use these technologies with their pupils.